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Chronic Disease Management

Concierge Internal Medicine located in Naples, FL
Chronic Disease Management

Chronic Disease Management services offered in Naples, FL

Chronic diseases affect millions of Americans, but don’t have to mean a poor quality of life. With individualized, comprehensive chronic disease management from Elyse Cohen, MD, at her practice Cohen Concierge in Naples, Florida, patients avoid complications and live a full life unfettered by unnecessary medical issues. Call today to schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Cohen and learn what benefits the concierge medicine model offers for chronic disease management.

Chronic Disease Management Q & A

How can I benefit from chronic disease management?

By definition, chronic diseases are lasting and generally can’t be cured. With expert medical management and smart lifestyle habits, you can control symptoms and avoid complications.

Chronic disease management includes screenings, check-ups, and education around your condition. You learn what it means to have a chronic disease and how to keep symptoms under control so you can enjoy life. 


What conditions qualify for chronic disease management?

The following conditions are considered chronic diseases and benefit from professional management: 

  • Asthma
  • Osteoporosis 
  • Heart disease
  • Hypertension, or high blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Anxiety or depression 
  •  Diabetes
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Arthritis 

At Cohen Concierge, Dr. Cohen offers personalized chronic disease management that takes into account other health problems, the severity of your disease, and your lifestyle. 


What is involved in chronic disease management?

Dr. Cohen offers chronic disease management using a concierge medicine model. This means you pay a set fee for access to her expertise and, as a result, get high-quality, customized care.

She accepts only a set number of patients, so she can get to know each patient more personally and intimately. Each appointment is long enough to learn your concerns and get you the necessary care. 

Dr. Cohen also takes the time to educate you on how to take care of your chronic disease at home and avoid complications or acute problems. Education may include information about nutrition, exercise, and stress management. 

Dr. Cohen oversees all regular screenings and testing to gauge your disease status. These may include blood work, X-rays, ultrasounds, and urine tests. 

She works in coordination with other medical specialists you see for your condition. If you need hospitalization, she provides visitation and coordinates with your inpatient healthcare providers. If you need a referral to a specialist for particular problems, Dr. Cohen can help. 

Chronic disease management also involves reviewing prescription medications and adjusting dosages or types according to changing health needs. 

Contact Cohen Concierge to learn more about how Dr. Cohen can help you manage your chronic condition. Call today or use this website to request a meet and greet online.